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Zephyr Developer Summit: Connecting Devices to the Cloud (Videos)

By July 26, 2022No Comments

More than 380 people registered for the 2nd Annual Zephyr Developer Summit, which took place on June 8-9 in-person in Mountain View, CA and virtually for attendees around the world, to learn more about the fastest growing RTOS. We hosted a “Zephyr Intro Day” on June 7 and had 4 tracks, 2 mini-conferences, 2 tutorials, 54 sessions and 58 speakers who presented engaging technical content, best practices, use cases and more. We’ll be adding event videos each week to the Zephyr Youtube Channel. Stay tuned here for more videos.

Today, we’re featuring all of the presentations that showcase how to connect devices to the cloud including, “End-to-end IoT Development with Zephyr,” “Leveraging Cloud Technologies for Development and Operation of Zephyr,” “Secure and Massive IoT Device Factory Provisioning,” “Architecting an IoT Product Line: Part 1 – Scoping,” “Designing a Scalable, Maintainable, Low Power LTE IoT Gateway with Laird Connectivity, Memfault and Zephyr,” and a tutorial “Hands-on with Zephyr-based IoT Hardware – Data Goes in, Data Comes Out and Data Goes Up.” Watch the videos below or click on the links to see a PDF of the presentations.

End-to-end IoT Development with Zephyr” – Alvaro Viebrantz, Founding Engineer at Golioth

Developing IoT with Zephyr is a journey from hardware all the way to application. It involves multiple teams and expertise, from hardware to cloud and application development. This talk will cover the options for getting a Zephyr app connected (WiFi, Ethernet, Cellular), selecting the right data encoding (JSON/CBOR), securing the data transfer (DTLS/TLS), and choosing a protocol (HTTP/MQTT/COAP). But that’s not the end of the story, the cloud needs to manage devices allowed to connect, consume the data being received, open up options for using that data, and be aware of the continued state of the hardware. And once you have the data you need to build a user-facing application on top of it. Understanding this lifecycle will help us as developers to make good choices on what Zephyr provides, helping ensure successful IoT projects.

Leveraging Cloud Technologies for Development and Operation of Zephyr” – Rob Woolley, Principal Technologist at Wind River

Cloud-native architecture is influencing the way embedded devices are developed and operated. The adoption of open source software and security update best practices also affects the rate at which software is consumed and deployed to devices at the Far Edge. Traditional CI/CD pipelines and DevOps practices need to be adapted for embedded. This talk shares some best practices that have been refined from work with Zephyr, Yocto, ROS, and other embedded projects.

Secure and Massive IoT Device Factory Provisioning” – Mieszko Mierunski, Embedded Team Lead at AVSystem

System security requires communication credentials to be unique for each device and securely stored, which raises challenge for massive device provisioning. Here, we present how to create a factory device provisioning flow, the method that is integrated with a device manufacturing process. Our solution consists of two main components. Namely, custom scripts that allow generating device credentials for large batches of devices and integration of Zephyr mechanisms for enabling secure credentials storage. The latter is based on NVS and Settings subsystems. Our secure storage solution is applicable to all Zephyr compliant hardware platforms, as a result of using Zephyr’s device abstraction. The presented solution is published as a Zephyr extension and allows for massive device provisioning to Microsoft Azure and AWS clouds as well as to Coiote IoT DM, our device management platform.

Architecting an IoT Product Line: Part 1 – Scoping” – Gregory Shue, Senior Software/Firmware Engineer at Legrand, Inc.

Scoping a Product Line depends on identifying the breadth and variance of the products in the system (solution).  This session will introduce the ISO/IEC/IEEE 26550 model for product line engineering, raise an initial set of questions to help architects determine the scope of the solution, and identify distinct variation points between products in the product line. It will also identify areas of the product line engineering process that are aligned with and impacted by the Zephyr ecosystem, revealing questions that the Zephyr Project must address for users to determine the tradeoffs for using the Zephyr ecosystem.

Designing a Scalable, Maintainable, Low Power LTE IoT Gateway with Laird Connectivity, Memfault and Zephyr” – Tyler Hoffman, Co-Founder and Lead Engineer at Memfault, and Andrew Ross, Senior Product Manager at Laird Connectivity

In a commercial or industrial IoT solution, IoT gateways are optimal to aggregate sensor data, perform edge processing, and transport large amounts of data to the cloud. Therefore, they become a pivotal component for the solution to function well and thus have high-reliability requirements. Zephyr has many built-in capabilities that make it the ideal operating system on which to base an IoT gateway solution both in terms of capability and operational supportability. We will present how Memfault and Zephyr integrate with Laird Connectivity’s SentriusTM MG100 gateway to deliver an IoT solution that is fit for mission-critical activities, including cold chain transportation monitoring, medical devices, water treatment, contact tracing, and more.

“Tutorial: Hands-on with Zephyr-based IoT Hardware – Data Goes in, Data Comes Out and Data Goes Up”- Chris Gammell, Developer Relation Lead at Golioth, and Mike Szczys, Developer Relations Engineer at Golioth

This is a hands-on developer training showing how to get a finished piece of hardware utilizing the various features that Zephyr has to offer. The main thrust of the training is getting up and running with the Zephyr toolchain, implementing examples on a piece of hardware (provided), and interacting with cloud services. The user will learn about various abstraction layers around things like CoAP and CBOR, and experience a real world example of a smart device talking back to the Cloud. This will also expose the user to web-side technologies and how they can export data to external commercial services like AWS, Azure, and GCP. 

If you have questions or would like to chat with any of our Zephyr speakers, ambassadors or members of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), please join us on Discord.

Maemalynn Meanor