Available to Zephyr Members to post their open full-time, part-time, co-op, or internship positions, we are hopeful the community will find this an excellent resource to find their next great opportunity.
Do you have a position for posting? Please review the Guidelines for Posting a Position.
Members and Non-Members are also welcome to advertise their open Zephyr positions in the #job-postings channel of the Zephyr Discord (http://chat.zephyrproject.org)
Questions? Email careers@zephyrproject.org.
Please Note: The postings listed below are being referenced as a service to the Zephyr community. Applications are submitted outside of the Zephyr Project website. Job postings have not been vetted, other than ensuring that they consist of positions relative to the Zephyr ecosystem. Should you have any concerns about a particular posting, please email careers@zephyrproject.org.