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SBOMs + Zephyr RTOS and the US Executive Order on Cybersecurity

By May 18, 2021No Comments

Last week, the United States White House released an Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity that addressed the malicious cyber attacks that have become more frequent in the last few years. 

The cornerstone of the Linux Foundation, which is home to many open source projects in various verticals, is collaboration and communication. David A. Wheeler, Director, Open Source Supply Chain Security at the Linux Foundation, wrote a blog about the Executive Order and how some of the communities have already built the support needed and wanted for a more secure future. 

In the blog, David mentions Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) and Zephyr RTOS. 

“The Zephyr project, which provides a real-time operating system (RTOS) used by many for resource-constrained devices,  will be able to generate SBOM’s automatically during build. Zephyr is one of the few open source projects that is a CVE Numbering Authority.”

Read David’s complete blog here

If you want to learn more about SBOMs, Kate Stewart, Vice President, Dependable Embedded Systems at the Linux Foundation, recently presented a tutorial about it. Click here to watch the tutorial on demand. 

Kate will also speaking about SBOM and Zephyr at Embedded Online Conference on Wednesday, May 19 at 2 pm PDT. Learn more about the session here.


Zephyr Project