Bluetooth: IPSP Sample


Application demonstrating the IPSP (Internet Protocol Support Profile) Node role. IPSP is the Bluetooth profile that underneath utilizes 6LoWPAN, i.e. gives you IPv6 connectivity over BLE.


This application currently only works with HCI based firmware since it requires L2CAP channels support.

Building and Running

This sample can be found under samples/bluetooth/ipsp in the Zephyr tree.

Testing with a Linux host

To test IPSP please take a look at samples/net/README, in addition to running echo-client you must enable 6LowPAN module in Linux with the following commands:

$ modprobe bluetooth_6lowpan
$ echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_enable

Then to connect:

$ echo "connect <bdaddr> <type>" > /sys/kernel/debug/bluetooth/6lowpan_control

Once connected a dedicated interface will be created, usually bt0, which can then be used as following:

$ echo-client -i bt0 <ip>